
niki chauhan
4 min readApr 3, 2024


To Protect & To Protect What Not?…

Photo by Robert Klank on Unsplash

Fence : A barrier intended to prevent escape or any external intrusion or further to set a boundary.

One fence for multiple occasions.

Never knew a humble fence meant many a points.

Lets spell out just the 3 above, one fence at a time.

Fence to prevent escape.

Years of living after birth on this blue planet brings with it, its share of conditions signed before enrolling for a life on earth with the owners of this planet.

Life surely came with riders.

Imprisoned are many a pain, qualms, resentments, brokenness within us each. These are the riders that come like links in an article namely …Life.

The end result and consequences of all these torments and aches are just what we let not free.

Here is the fence that we surround them with, preventing an escape to all the fatal and taxing traits towards our mind, heart and soul.

The fence prosper us nothing but only results in a bitter bleeding.

Life had these as riders we philosophy but the fence around them are of our own produce.

Let instead all the nursed inside us pains, brokenness and all the hurtful outlive its feature, build not a fence around them and let them not be suppressed within, birthing a wound. A sage mind we ought not to build to differentiate with all the wearing’s but our oneself being in suffering should be enough to educate us.

It surely pains keeping those sufferings within.

The brokenness breaks what binds the peace in rare unison, within us. We hold unto all that is painful and let them not escape from the very nucleus of our life, this holding of hurt is the fence we build around it all. Fencing these turmoil's from being released and forgotten.

Fence to prevent any external intrusion.

Hate and love fonder each other and lives all abundant in each life. This remains a familiar trait for each being.

To be hated by others, you can’t control, to be loved by the other, again it ain’t in your control.

In your power is to build a fence, fence to defend the hurt and the pain. The fence is also of the mind, to be unhindered in the process and let the un-favoring not usurp thy peace.

Fence, a defense against the attack.

See not through the fence all that is detest.

By revolting the hate, you are bringing the fence down, the reason that you had the fence built is to protect.

Protect your mind, heart & soul from being injured.

You cannot fend the outside deeds but surely can fend the inside you.

Practice patience and self control. Train yourself to ignore, this is your fence. Your indifference towards the criticize will strengthen the fence each solar day.

Be a good neighbor in a bad neighborhood.

Also…Success is in the Silence.

Fence, not to be a boundary.

Nature has all the answers. It’s like a problem is not permanent and there’s always a resolve, always there in provision. The pain will blind us not to see the other side of the height, wherein lies the solution.

Further our own build fence let not the external intrusion of a good kind this time reach us providing us the peace.

We let not seep the water of the wise, the umbrella we held against it had holes was wished, for then the soaking would not wet but wipe clean the dirty mud that stained the beauty of an alluring life.

Our inclusion we detest, our aloneness we select.

A few hurts have drifted us afar to let the others intrude our life. We set confines, we let them not breathe a heal, the fence is to show them they are a restrict. We like other breathing beings on earth were never featured to live in enclose. Together we grow and all by ourselves will make us have lived a lacking life.

Let those really loving us, soothe our wounds. Give life a chance, it always heals. Life is not a bitch as always pronounced. Life can be gentle too.

Share your sulk with your loved one’s, they will be there shouldering through. Form no fence between them and you.

Beings and the fellow beings, not all can be bad, just a one is all that is required to heal a wailing life.

Let thy in to liaise from thy build fence…

Fencing will suppress our talents, so as not have lived a fortunate life.

On our way out from earth, this fence would seem like a life lived in a coffin when on earth,

lived death when there was life. And when death came, I thirsted for life.

