The Enigma Of A Life That Happens Just Once.

What to do ???

niki chauhan
7 min readMar 25, 2024
Photo by Karina Carvalho on Unsplash

Life is happened to us both, as I write and you read.

This isn’t so complex as is really the tales in a life we live. Its like one life and in it many a tales. Every life has tales and stories and in abundance.

But then what? What’s with a life? and the many why’s of a one life.

Life gains and misses…

Just to explain, Tim is a teen now, he just got his first job in an insurance firm. He being in sales have a lot of acquaintances at work and further being into health insurance, he pitches people daily for sales and he meets a lot of them, young and old. So he has now maintained a data of them all. A few he will meet frequently and also many of them just once in his lifetime as they haven't bought any policies from him.

Tim even has a girlfriend who has lots of friends and on weekends they all hang out partying, watching movies and more together. Here too Tim meets and interacts with many a people maybe not the business kind but surely they are many again if he had to data them for records (which nobody does) the numbers would be in hundreds. His friends friends are also known to him as they hello each other when they meet out and his circle of people of familiarity is always expanding.

Larry was a classmate of Tim and lives just a few blocks away. Even he got his first job in an accounts firm. His is a desk job as he sits before his machine all day punching words and numbers. The people he interacts each day are the limited set of people at work (his is a small accounts firm). He takes the public transport for transit and each day meets a few familiar faces but they don’t interact much as still they are all technically strangers.

Larry on weekends doesn't do much, his enrolled into an online course, he reads a lot and binges on TV series and movies and of course he sleeps a lot.

To joke, its in the name itself, Tim sounds like a live wire, the name and Larry the name just sounds lazy and felt already dozing just as you finished naming it. Just a pun, I say.

2 Lives, 2 Kinds …

No two lives are the same thus the number 2 and not 1.

Tim had a life and his life story was going so very fast. So many people was he meeting each day.

His life on exit from earth and if to be examined by some office bearers of keepers of life in the after life world will have so much to regulate a speedy life that he lived.

Tim had a life meeting so many people, there were so many lives intertwined to his own life, so many coming and going and a few also staying. And the people whom Tim met had their own story wherein Tim for them was just one of the beings pitching health insurance sales to them and they had another set of people they had also met and interacted with to whom Tim was a stranger.

So people meeting Tim were many a living beings intertwining with him in this life. He had further an active social life and more beings that he ran into.

For the day to day scorers of the same office bearers in the afterlife of Larry, they would finish navigating quite early about him as there were lesser people mingling in the life of Larry. Larry’s life was quite predictable and routine when seen from outside. All his days and hours were numbered like a math sum with a decided formula. Even the calendar with dates at his home wall, paced swiftly then did his unhurried life.

2 Lives, 2 Types …

Tim and Larry met at school but their lives never graduated the same.

Tim had it fast, Larry’s was slow paced.

Tim transacted with many a lives and situations, Larry had lived as if by the manual.

Tim was always occupied with less time and had less time for self understanding and inner peace.

Larry was practicing a rich self search and was at peace within, practicing virtues and experiencing harmony and peacefulness with meditation and self philosophizing himself and around and life in all.

The Enigma of a life happening only once is a stun.

Now a life to live only once and the best kind is an another stun.

In the above tale Tim is living a life to the fullest.

To start he is mingling with the max beings of his surviving era, so to say he can say I voiced with many, I joked, I played, I partied, I worked to aid many a with their medical essentials due to my line of work and I earned exceedingly well to live a life rich in earthly provisions.

If life happens once, I’ve cruised it high and mighty, exclaims Tim

Tim had it all happening in the material kind. Surely he topped it as he was successful with his work and thus monetarily and he lived to the fullest with a social life to balance and upscale it thus. He had progressed as he lived his advanced years. Even at 60 years, he was living a fast life with no marital commitments and children to feed but only feeding his materialistic life to the fullest and also in abundance.

He had it all great going for him for a once a life.

Larry had a life, an all monotonous kind, measured and scaled and surely it never upped as he advanced in years. He had a family and all its worries and duties but he was indeed a family man. Work was just providing and made him have a few savings to fall on when he retired.

He was religious and more philosophical and in terms with life and its happenings. He was happy and contended. Life was just a level flowing river and no sea with its tides of high and low.

The enigma of a once life as mentioned twice earlier and now its for the third time, is a thought that is lived and pondered by me and all the readers reading now.

Life happens once, live it, love it. Tim was the poster boy of a once life and Tim was living life like a game, living and learning its traits.

Larry’s life was a collection of events he lived to ponder and scale its meaning towards himself and his existence in the moments of time that he lived then, thus was said he lived his life like a course, always it taught him something. Larry had a life that was slow and so he could ponder back and forth, he never was in a hurry and ever pushed his life to reach any goal post.

Surely Larry loved his life and all its happenings. Life was a cult classic tale that he read not just of himself but would follow other lives he encountered, he was a thinker of sorts. His thoughts were that life was not just that happened, it was way too more. A never ever ending story from time eternity for beings.

Surely he had a distinct view towards life and was contended and lived each day as a gift from Nature and his Creator.

2 Lives, Bet Which 1’s Right

2 Lives is trailed of Tim and Larry, each life happening only once, if re-incarnation to us is not a belief.

What most can be desired from this one life, is it health, wealth and happiness alone would be an understatement… there is more to a life.

The Tim life, he truly lived a once upon a time, kind of life. His life was for leisure reads, his was a bestseller novel content also like it was a web series with Rotten Tomatoes Ratings of 90% and more.

Larry had it all monotonous, predicted, oh! can you say something new, a clarion call says the reader of life. Larry smiled hearing this, unbothered by the outside. He was contended with a tolerance like he was a monk. He lived and loved his life the same way as did Tim.

If Tim loved his life, so did Larry.

Quest? The Philosophical Moment.

It is to ponder, whose was a worthwhile.

Tim had it right, the life happened to him once. He had it all lived it fully. Experiencing moments and mingling with other beings who’ve also come visiting the earth for the only one time. Life they lived seemed like a song and their living was a poetry written to this song. Nothing wrong if they lived the all materialistic way …is it?

Larry had a snail speed life when comparison table lay with Tim written on the other side. Larry had it rich in his thoughts, he said he lived a life outside the one he lived on earth, what’s that quipped the asker. Its of the listening to the soul, listening to the birds chirping songs of nature and understanding their words and music. Its like feeling being an extension of time and nature, like reading of those that lived many a thousand years before us and still hearing or decoding the wise persons from then and their wisdom.

Larry was at peace with himself, he felt blessed and was in wonderment of the existence of this blue planet called earth swimming in the vast ever expanding sheet of cosmos. A dot amidst a giant canvas. He felt he was given due though he deserved none.

Larry envisioned another story in wait to resume after this earth story ceased, for him the earth life was a teaser, movie would happen post this life. Now a different existence he lived in...

Insane cries Tim reading Larry’s life that he states a monologue…

A mix of both life to live is my opine. Life happens once was us all. Life can be large in canvas to experience.

To Experience life as a trajectory in time is to be felt and lived as it will happen just once. The type of life you will live is not what fulfills but its the experience of joyousness that is the tone for a good life.

But do dwell on the 2 lives of Tim and Larry, ponder in the moments of your aloneness of what in comparison to their lives your own life whispers to thee…

Live Life, Love Life.

