Why Should A Human Life Have A Purpose?

niki chauhan
4 min readMay 27, 2024


Why a life can’t be just a living?

Photo by Drew Hays on Unsplash

Why a purpose? or is there a purpose to living for a living being, rather than a human of all beings?

Aren’t we the super special ones, many faith scriptures state that humans are made in the image and likeness of the Creator. All humans before us lived and died, doing their do’s and don’ts. Nothing changed or altered human existence, and we have progressed to the AI age now.

With shunned purpose, I as a human have a highly reckless existence in Nature. The Supreme progressed to be a Spoiler.

Nature, millions of years older than the first human born is designed to instrument everything that lives within it to respire and motion in synchronicity.

The flawless order of the cyclical pattern extracted by Nature seems to be now trespassed upon by the very Creator's image and likeness holder @ a human being.

Purpose Of Beings In Nature

Starting with the elements of Nature like water, air, fire, and more they all have a purpose in their very existence. They shoulder their feature's responsibility to aid their fellow existence thus bringing a co-existence in Nature. These elements are the core of the very procreation and sustenance of the living world.

In the very basics and not complex scientific attributes of the above elements…

Water purposes with drinking, cleaning, germinating, and more.

Air's purpose is the survival of all beings, plants, and more by providing them with oxygen to breathe. Fire's purpose can be to cook food, shape metals, and create new energy.

Any single element of the 3 above named is powerfully featured to easily destroy the entire existence from its very base to make us humans feel a dwarf before them and also at the same time they seem grounded than to try shoving its weight around hindering the overall aspect of Nature.

The birds and animals are further contributors to the cyclical evolution of nature’s tryst with its fellow existence.

The Sun, the moon, the stars, the trees, the insects, they all are featured for a purpose even a humble butterfly aid pollination.

Everything found in Nature is never a pleasant furniture as display, they each have their purposes.

We humans, being the prime surviving beings with high intellect to understand, discover, and procreate have a responsibility, a purpose for our very existence.

Humans did not come to earth to walk their age just to eat, drink, sleep, live, and die. They each have arrived at a purpose and the purpose is for them to help as they are gifted with an ability to maintain or support a process over time of sustainability and progression of nature, the earth.

Nature existed even a million years before the first human. Human beings came as a later entrant. They were sent with a purpose. As time traveled for the earth humans in the past have held together the process of continuity of survival for the earth, though altering the face of the earth for the very survival of themselves.

Making humans no complete villain of Nature, the changes in nature's body were a requirement for our ancestors but the course remains in how well we humans replace with what we have extracted or taken from Nature thus bringing a progressive harmony to the very breathing and living life of the Nature.

Let us find our purpose more in human love and understanding. We fellow beings are blessed with the same human body features but we are separate in our thoughts, wisdom, and resources. The purpose is to seek what was derived in the past from our predecessors, they had their gem of maybe philosophical and religious knowledge that is to be used to flow with time. They are evergreen features of human life that never go out of fashion.

Technology and AI are great, but we are humans with human and no machinery traits. Even machines and technology have a purpose, let's each find our purpose.

Finding thy purpose will make you feel alive and living. The purpose is to find what makes life worth living for. Life will matter now.

Purpose will bring peace, contentment, a completeness to the life that we live.

Your purpose need not be always noble and high type, it can be as simple as service towards nature, towards fellow beings or even saving animals.

I read of a man who would give a decent burial to unclaimed dead bodies.

Mother Teresa had her purpose, young teens giving free education to street children.

A simple act of saving water or electricity at home is your purpose or cause of concern for saving resources for the generation of the future.

Live the quote …

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.


You’re birth is a purpose and not an accident

Love Life…

